Have the Uncluttered Home You Didn’t Know Was Possible
For women who want to feel at peace in their own home, Amy’s coaching guides you through super-simple cleaning & decluttering ANYONE can do for a clutter-free house that’s a breeze to keep clean.
“Your website is so helpful to me.” – Joanne

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Start feeling at peace in your own home! Pick the best spot to start decluttering AND discover step-by-step how to tackle the mess in any room in your house. PLUS get my best tips right in your inbox…and it’s 100% FREEEEE!
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“I am new to your emails and blog and I wanted to tell you how much I love them already!” – Darcie
Have a Welcoming Home You’re PROUD OF – Even If You Don’t Know Where (or How!?) to Start
Want to willingly – happily – open your door to (even clean-freakish) friends and family members alike? Want to let your kids have their besties over without worrying they’ll tell their mother about the questionable condition of your house? Want to invite guests (or the furnace repairman for goodness sake) into your home without apologizing for the embarrassing mess or offering some the-dog-ate-a-disc-in-my-back type of excuse?
With sympathetic guidance and super-simple cleaning and decluttering tasks, you’ll surprise even yourself with a clutter-free house you can TOTALLY KEEP CLEAN (did you know that unicorn was real, my friend???).
“Thanks for your blog. It’s like you were talking directly to me.” – Beth
What people say about SIMPLE EVERYDAY HOME
Supercharge Your Decluttering, the Stress-Free Way
You’ll learn how to take even the biggest, meanest, ugliest mess and break that monster down into kitten-size tasks you’ll WANT to do. Seriously. You’ll get excited about facing your clutter because you’ll finally know how to tackle it and you’ll start seeing the jaw-dropping results add up. And it will all happen without crying, binge-eating, or hating the people you live with.
“My life, and my family’s life has definitely improved since I found this blog!” – Nancy

“Your writing and suggestions have given me so much hope!” – Heather
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Relax, Knowing the Overwhelm (and all that GUILT) Will Be Kicked to the Curb, Right Along With Your Clutter!
Imagine walking into your house and breathing out a peaceful sigh of relief instead of a shoulder-slumping, gut-wrenching, why-me grooooan.
Whether you have ALL THE CLUTTER in all the places, just a little too much junk filling your secret hiding spots (I’m looking at you, Spare Bedroom), or a house overrun with the day-to-day messes that never, never, never, ever seem to end, I’ll show you how to break down the work into doable tasks that feel totally possible, even with your limited time and energy.
And once you start uncovering the house that’s hiding under all that “stuff” – you know, the HOME you were envisioning when you took out your mortgage – you’ll realize how easy it is to keep an uncluttered home clean. And then? Well, then you can RELAX and start enjoying the things in life that truly matter to you.
No Unrealistic Clean-Freak Advice here – Just Encouraging Support From Someone Who “Gets It”
I am NOT a natural clean-freak, and I don’t play one on the internet! As a matter of fact, while I love having a clean house, I seriously do not enjoy cleaning, and I’m certainly not a hard-core minimalist. I’ve spent a lifetime perfecting the art of cleaning and decluttering without getting rid of the things we enjoy or spending every waking moment with a scrub brush in my hand. So, I promise I’ll never tell you that “I love to clean” (because I’m not a liar) or that you should trash your kid’s third-grade science project, sell your grandmother’s china on the interwebs, or thank your socks for their faithful service (although, if that’s your thing, then you do you).
Subscribe to my newsletter for free to start using some of my very best (and super-simple) tips for figuring out what to keep, feeling good about decluttering the rest, and having a clutter-free home that’s a breeze to keep clean.

“Your writing and suggestions have given me so much hope!” – Heather
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Read the Blog
Jump down the rabbit hole to find simple decluttering projects (broken down into easy-to-do tasks, of course), cleaning tips for tackling the dirt and messes, and basic routines for keeping up with your normal (aka. hectic + chaotic) life.
Learn about Coaching
Get one-on-one coaching with personalized tips, realistic advice, and tons of encouragement for turning your house into the uncluttered home you didn’t even know was possible. No more wishing. Finally have the home you want!
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From printable lists to easy-to-follow courses, these tools will help you manage your home, get rid of clutter, and keep up with the craziness of everyday life. Discover your very own peaceful home that’s just waiting to be uncovered.